Hit the January Reset Button! Detox Your Space in 2020

The new year is here, new year resolutions are set, and it's time for little or significant changes in your life! To set the stage to make the most of 2020, a great first step is cleaning out your space to make room for success. This will help you feel refreshed, detoxed and ready to start anew. Here are three different areas to organize to revamp your space. 


Kitchens are easy to get unruly with ever expiring products, sneaky unhealthy snacks and clutter, so cleaning your kitchen is a great first step to help you gain control of your body. When going through this deep clean, find what's expired and throw it out. Are there products in the cabinets that you didn’t realize you had? Are there processed foods that you are holding onto that will hold you back from achieving your health and wellness goals? Remove these from your pantry and restock with more wholesome foods and snacks to help fuel yourself for the next few weeks! It helps to visually see the healthy snack options when cravings hit, so try storing grains and dried fruit in glass containers in the front of a shelf. For more ideas to help organize your kitchen, check out this article! 


Take a look around your room. Is there an area that requires a cleanup? Go through your wardrobe and sort your clothes by the ones you love and want to keep, and the ones you never wear. If you have clothes that you haven't touched in the past year, it's time to say goodbye and donate. Having a clean, organized wardrobe and a decluttered room will create a calm environment that will enable you to put your best foot forward this year. Need more tips to clean up your bedroom? Check this article out


People spend a significant amount of time in their cars today; a recent study found that Americans spend an average of 17,600 minutes driving each year. That’s 293.33 hours or over 12 days! Having a clean car is critical to creating an inspiring environment for yourself. Take some time this coming weekend to go through your vehicle, restock it with the essentials you always reach for like FFT dried fruit, napkins and hand sanitizer. Get rid of the mess in the back seats and trunk, and make it a place that helps you relax during rush hour traffic! 

These are just a few ways to help you detox your space to help jump start your New Year's resolutions and feel your best! Having fun cleaning and organizing your space and leave a comment about how you feel after the refresh! You got this, make this year the best one yet!

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